Cookies, cakes and pies. That's what I gave up. Generic, I know. Everyone gives up sweets, or soda, or junk food...something like that. Me, too. I figured I should give up something that will be challenging, so it's actually a sacrifice. Coffee was a suggestion. Give up coffee? Me? I don't think so...that's too drastic...and I didn't figure it would be that noticeable if I gave up, say, brussels sprouts. The lack of those three desserts will hurt. Trust me. However, I still feel a little silly. It's not going to be that big of a sacrifice, in the grand scheme of things.
In thinking about it, if we truly want to repent our sins, we should give up things that hold us in sin. Vices, if you will. What's mine? Probably Facebook. I should have given up Facebook. Does it make me sin? No. It does, however, hold me in an addiction, and allows me to do things that, well, let's just say God probably doesn't promote. For example, what's the newsfeed for? Gossip! It's so we can call up our best friend and say "did you see what so n' so had as their status today?" How about profile "stalking?" Checking out your ex, or your old high school crush, or that girl you hated in high school so that you can now compare your life to theirs? Or worse, lust after times you spent together? As with all things...guns, drugs, money, etc....Facebook isn't evil. It's when people who are using it misuse it, and turn it into an escape vehicle from real life, that the trouble begins. I'm not trying to preach, friends. I'm just as guilty. And...did I give it up? No. I confess that I am weak; I love a mug of coffee and a juicy "Most Recent" newsfeed in the morning.
When our pastor spread the ashes on my forehead last night and said "In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven," I felt tears prick my eyes. Because just like that, she's right, I am forgiven. Even though I know I might sin a dozen times before lunch today, I'm still forgiven.
As I listened to the rest of the sermon, I realized that in addition to giving up something, I'd like to add a conscious effort in something else. Writing is one of my passionate outlets, so why not add a documentation of my own journey to the cross? If I had been there, that day, asked to carry His cross...could I have done it? Would I have recognized, then, what this man was about to do for me?
Last night,I sang the lyrics, "the world behind me, the cross before turning back, no turning back." And although I know we all fall short of the glory of God...I decided that I will use this time of Lent to focus on the cross before me, and I am praying that God will help me stay focused, in all that I do.
So that's my charge to all of my friends who are denying themselves something, this Lent. Whether it's something easily doable or something that will be a major sacrifice: pray about it. Pray for the strength and focus, and maybe you'll be surprised about the other things that seem to fall in to place when you do. I'm counting on it.
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