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Saturday, February 6, 2010

An Evaluation

There are lyrics in the song 'Beautiful Boy' by Mr. John Lennon that go like this: "life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." I've liked those lyrics since I first heard the song, and I even had a T-shirt that said it's somewhere in the sea of lost T-shirts at my mother's house now...but I don't think I ever really got the meaning till just a short while back. As many of you may have noticed, I haven't had so much to post about as of late. I'm in a funk. Did I mention that already? Yes...remind me...I have a few times now, I'm sure.
I am thinking about my life and its meaning. Don't we all, at some point? I evaluate and re-evaluate. I'm like a professor of myself, at this point, except, just when I think I know all there is to know about me, I do something different. I do stick to what is relatively important, but I've had some bouts of temporary insanity, too. I have recently been accepted into a Masters program for Counseling Psychology. Psychology? Counseling? Me? Hah!
Ok, but the point is, my acceptance was conditional on me doing this "self-evaluation" thing...on paper. And from the way the criteria read, they wanted candidates to basically Maury Povich their entire lives into several hundred words, the juicier the better. So I started thinking....juicy....and I thought of steak...but, no, seriously, I tried to think of all of the happenings in my life. Which is when Lennon's lyrics made sense. All of these things I've done: moved away from my mother while I was still a teenager, went to school for music, met great Southerners, lived as an Army wife, drank Jagermeister (hello, yuck!), learned to cook really well, learned to pay bills and balance a checkbook, suffered more heartache than I ever thought I could stand, got a real estate license, visited and sold some really amazing houses, had children, got divorced, moved back "home," bought my second house, graduated from college, finally, got married again, had another child...are ya bored yet? You get the picture...I had a lot to write about. Not that I told my life story, they only wanted the most corrupt parts. Because, apparently, you should have a certain amount of corruption within in order to be a counselor. Or perhaps that's the overall goal. Perhaps the board of Psychology at my school are hoping to transform the gory details of my life into a learning experience, where I will diagnose my deficiencies and be a wise-owl who can utilize this knowledge to guide and treat others. Perhaps.
Either way, I'm enjoying the re-cap. Sort of. Some of it just makes me shake my head.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean! When we had to tell our life stories for our adoption homestudy, I was in emotional pain afterwards. Having to actually tell a complete stranger every detail about my whole life was depressing & embarrasing. But all of those things shaped us into who we are today. You are an incredibly independent woman today...I have seen you do some major changes & I am proud of ya girl!

    Love ya!


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